but really we wish the best for Tyler while hes out hustli'n in Chicago. if you live in Chicago and you see a skinny white kid buy an alarm system from him k.
any way we need another guitar player to join the OCL organization.
what you'll need to to do this is!
1. a guitar!
2. a low to moderate ability to play that guitar.
3. an amplifier! or at least an ok head, we will probably have an extra cab.
4. you will need to be able to get really pumped about the band one week and then and then get stoked about something else the next but then get pumped about the band again the next week. cause its almost summer and we all have A.D.D.
5. it will help if you dont mind being in a band with some wieners! cause alex is a baby, ben likes to make things up, nick screams for no reason when we try to record and jp is an ass hole if he doesn't get his snackies or caffeine! bass player ben is the only legit band member we have lol
6. we dont care if you have a job or not as long as you have your own gear!
Ok here are the benefits of being in OCL
1. teenagers will think your cool even though your not
2. you get to hang out with a bunch of wieners
3. being in a hardcore band is fun!
4.being in a band maybe might get you all the girls/guys!
5. jp will find you all the best deals on ksl and try to get you to buy them cause there too good of deals to pass up but he already spent all his money!
6. you'll learn new things like how to print your own shirts and how to move band equipment up and down stairs and which 711's have the best doughnuts and when the best time to dumpster dive for those doughnuts is!
SO! i know what your thinking "man i sure hope i can get to be the next OCL guitarist!" well you better hurry cause it only took us like three months to find tyler!
also if you think you can be a better front man then jp and dont mind singing his lyrics come try out cause i would be super down to play guitar instead of singing for a while.
Love, JP
*Grammatical errors left in tact to preserve authenticity.