Troy Trujillo is a vegan tattooer. He's also a hell of a guy. The real shame is that every fag fuck band is doing a reunion to make some dough.
vonetenv: Listen to Jake. Troy is the man. But Jake is an amazing tattooist himself, and a swell guy to boot, so consider getting some work done by him as well. (They work at the same shop.)
I think its a shame that Karl Buckner expects me to come pay to watch his fat ass jump around. I choose to not to ruin my childhood memories by watching these guys do a little soft shoe for their mortgage payments. I think they should all get sent a copy of the wrestler with a note that says, WAKE UP LOSER!
why would they hype donnybrook? so we can all go and have them insult our scene along with the crowd again from the stage and say how tuff they are because they are "fsu"? that is super-posi and is great for our scene. good job Deaf.i!!
donnybrook is no friend to salt lake my man, they have repeatedly talked shit on the salt lake hardcore kids and disrespected our scene. as far as grave maker, those doods seem like nice guys and im personally down to help them however i can when they arent playing sketchy venues. and i fully concure with casey, watching earth crisis is fucking depressing. watching songs that were written about something the band felt passionate about over 15 years ago is hard to swallow when the comeback tours are based around a paycheck. earth crisis is one of the bands that got me really into hardcore, but they lost me at slither.
Don't know about D&D metalcore but anthings better than a WWF extreme pro wrestling band. Oh wait Donny Brook is the brootal tough guy band it was their other band that was enthralled with the world of backyard wrestling. You know who else likes backyard wrestling? ill give you a hint it starts with a J and ends with a UGALLO. Im not saying they were but if it quacks like a duck.
You play for dogwelder but if you played in a good band I wouldn't hold that against the good band to keep me from seeing it. Where did all those gca people scurry off to that were at the outer rim that night? I'm with greg on this one. There is a grippe with every good band here. No room for mistakes here. And please spare the anecdotes of how "this guy" or "this band" was a douche to slc. There is no mistaking the fact that DB and Gravemaker killed that fucking show
can i borrow some aloe for that burn. man your quick. was it my name that gave it away. well you say tomato and i say juggalos so we will agree to disagree.
You kids crack me up on here. My opinion is that Donnybrook doesn't suck. I was never fond of the SLC scene or the bands in it. But i continued to support it because i'm a HxC kid. Having said that, i don't miss a good show when it comes around. If you choose not to go, then oh well. The shit was insane. And DB actually had a pretty posi vibe. I'm not talking posi-core. They just wanted us to have fun, so we did. Now that i am back in Philly i will catch them out here where they may be a little more likely to promote violence. It appears as though everyone on here has forgotten about stage dives and high fives.
Blah blah blah fuck the kollective whah whah whah fuck the outer rim blah blah blah fuck donneybrook, blacklisted, gravemaker, first blood, earth crisis, and she rides whah whah gravemaker got signed to victory records....Unfuckingbelievable. Posi? Positively lame as shit.
Is the grippe about the outer rim about the One Clean Life pre-sale? They couldn't sell fifteen pre-sale tickets before the show. FIFTEEN. That is unfair? Enough said. And Brook- weren't you at the DB show?
josch I just want to know if you think a lot of this is "positively lame as shit", why the fuck would you bother to keep checking this website and then posting comments?
the irony is entertaining. I'm from the east coast. We like to laugh at people that frustrate us.
I mean there is something to be said for a hardcore scene on life support that doesn't understand that beggars can't be choosers.
And the cry for Posi has to be some kind of joke to cover up whatever kind of preadolescent beef that whoever has with FSU or DB or whatever because no-one gives a fuck about posi-anything out here. God forbid a "posi" band comes to town they'd probably be promoted by the wrong promoter, play the wrong venue, or tour with the wrong bands.
I'll tell you what's posi....enjoying hardcore without a bunch of hardcore nerds knit-picking the shit out of it
This isnt a debate. This website just wont promote Outer Rim shows...
Ive hated the owners of The Outer Rim since before the kids in One Clean Life knew what hard core was. (not a stab at them at all but its true)
If you wanna promote outer rim shows make your own website. If you wanna keep talking shit anonymously, by all means keep coming here and posting. Personally I get a kick out of it.
P.S. Thanks. My ego loves that you know who i am but ive got no idea who you are... I probably fucked your girl and youre still bitter about it.
Oh and Josch youve got it quite wrong. We are NOT beggars and we certainly are Choosers.
We will choose who we will support. And who gives a mother fuck if our scene is on "life support" its our scene. let us worry about it.
Is it so boring on the east coast you need to worry about what a bunch of small town kids are doing with their scene? Get a life homie. Soon youre gonna find out that there are greater things out there than hardcore. Or maybe you wont... you will be the 40 year old dood at shows telling the young kids how it used to be.
unless said earth crisis show is in 1995 i don't give a care.
thanks for the shouts Jake and Dan.
i think it's funny people that are pulling the "posi" card are the ones talking shit on people for not liking a band, and/or venue/promoter.
you guys are so stupid. and if the east coast is better, then, either stay there or go back.
if this is "life support" then SLC has been on "life support" for well over 15 years but somehow still manages to be bad that's hard as fuck.
If your from the east coast why are you here? I bet its for college. You were probably sitting back home and said man i bet Salt Lake City is soooooo awesome. Then you moved here and acted like a douche and got treated like one. So you were jaded. Then you found the Kollective and like the rest of the losers and sellouts you joined up. Telling stories about how you all grew up to much for that scene when in actuality you got roughed up a bit too much and without words got asked to not come back.Everyone like you has the same story and we've seen it a million times. Its okay though cause you'll be smoking the glass dick before long and moving to Seattle or San Fran.
Did anyone ever wanna be "posi".Being a nice guy is one thing and I would have to say we've made big strides in that direction since I was a kid. Was Hardcore ever Posi. Maybe its time to listen to a Minor threat record. Not that posi ma man.
Lastly If you dont like it fine but why do you give a fuck about what any one else does. Mind your own business and keep enjoying the fine Kollective shows. God you sound like a bitch kind of. "Why are you going out again?" "What are you doing?" Geeze mind your own.
Good guess but way off. I like how you tried to break it down though, good effort. I'm 26. Moved out to PC originally to ride and transferred my job. So no, I never got roughed up, kicked out, asked not to come back,etc....Spent my years enjoying FSU shows which I'll continue to travel to regardless of the cost. Peeped shows out here long before I ever moved out as my close friends relocated even before I did. So I knew the local bands were awful (i.e. the first band that played the Since The Flood/Seventh Star show) except for a small handful but didn't give a fuck. Never acted like a douche, and to be fair to SLC, never got treated like a douche. Got introduced to this message board and figured out why hardcore has tanked here. And maybe I'll hit a sellout show here and there. I'd rather have some of the loot reach the band that have them write off this city.
xxxjosxhchxxx why you always gotta be hatin on local least they're actually trying to do shit, you're just sitting on your ass talkin shit on our local bands and scene, obviously not trying to do anything productive for it, since it tanked like you said. and can you really honestly listen to Tamerlane and say "hey, they suck so i wont go to real hardcore shows because these local bands suck, i'd rather attend a sell out show everyonce in a while" where is your positivity in "SLC bands are awful"? I would like to hear your small handful of local bands that weren't awful that you didn't give a fuck for.
and by the way, brook, the comment about fuckin someones girlfriends actually made me laugh out loud..that's rare.
The bands that I liked- city to city and cool your jets don't play and I can't stomach that metally starkweather knockoff jazz. I get off my ass for bands that move me and could give a fuck about what their reputation is or who is selling the tickets or what stigma their venue has. I get real far off my ass. I fly to festivals, drive to cali and vegas. I'm a willing individual.
So the local bands I'm used to having-ODTW, letdown, blacklisted, paint it black, shattered realm,the banner,lifetime, lighten up,barricade,wisdom in chains, mongoloids, reign supreme, minor times, fight amp, funeral bird, gunna vahm, all else failed, van damage......cant say that you can compare the local bands that don't break up here to no, I'm not interested in watching a bunch of knockoffs of starkweather, a band that philly doesn't want.
I got no gripe against Earth Crisis. Never got into First Blood or Donny Brook. Grave Maker are legit dudes.
Outer Rim operates in a shitty way and that's why some people avoid it. Why the fuck should EACH band have to pay $150 to play a show with a 60%/40% split on the back end? If you know anything about booking/promoting shows then you know how ass backwards that is. A four band bill makes them an easy $600 regardless of whether or not they do THEIR JOB promoting it and getting kids to come. I've played plenty of shows for free with no complaints. But my band isn't playing shows so that some asshole can make his car payment...
What’s up with the whole "I don’t go to kollective shows" thing that is going on right now? As far as I am concerned everyone that has commented on this thread has been to a kollective or outer rim show and that shit is the same to me. Before you preach, take a step back and make sure you’re not a hypocrite. I get that supporting these fuckers is unbearable but sometimes we have guilty pleasures. Like last night for example. Some kid gave me a free ticket to the Sleeping Giant show at school, of course I took it. The same people that say “fuck the kollective” were at the show last night. Food for thought.
Tyson, Brook isn’t all that funny. Fucking scene girls is like sticking your dick in an anorexic pig. Believe me, I’ve been there.
...And will someone please explain to me why Foundation, Rotting Out, Backtrack, and Harms Way are all playing a Kollective show on May 27th?...only two days after the DIY show in ogden.
well, i was talking about this scene in slc. you driving to cali doesn't affect us. since you live here, why not take the thumb out of your ass, wash it off and gain a PMA for this scene. why don't you start a goddamn band? since only two bands from here move you. and then you can go play a show for a drunk fuck who's only care for the hardcore scene is if it dies he loses out on some booze and bills.
Don't give a fuck if my audience is drunk or sober. And I started a band. Took months and months to find decent musicians but wasn't happy with the end product.
Josch Sorry man I had you pegged all wrong. Your OLD SCHOOL as fuck. I should have known. I bet you own hella old school tshirts, bad ass nike dunks and many many flat brims. Mad props bro. Once again worry about yourself and we'll take care of ourselves. You don't like the locals here fuck off back east or start a band that you like. You wanna see some bands here and enjoy our company, book something. Find a venue in PC and book the bands you wanna see. Like you, we know how to operate a automobile for the purposes of travel and have been know to do so.We were probably traveling out of state for shows when you were just learning how to whack your dick. I won't hold the fact your currently acting like a fine young gentleman against you. You book something I'll come and support your show. Not sure what this scene means to you but as far as im concerned supporting shit bags isn't exactly the most hardcore thing you can do. Yeah maybe we've struggled to secure a good venue for a while but i'd rather have less shows and not support these fucks. But Again don't like it bone out bro. Leave or shred it up in PC with your pals. Don't really care just don't come tell me what I'm supposed to do or not do.
PS. Whats an FSU Show. Is that like a scout Jamboree where everyone meets up. Just curious why you would put that on there and not just say that you travel for shows??So I'm guessing it must be some special meetup or something like a Jamboree.
PSS. Shon - I have never been to 1 show free or not that has been put on by any of those fucks. Nor would I and I can say that there definitely are many like me. The only people I know that have were in the same boat as you with the freebies. Although my personal opinion is that providing your presence is just as bad. You provide atmosphere. I also have to agree with Tyson, brook is funny and really more than likely hurt someone in this threads feelings by stealing away their lady.
PSSS- Is it just me or snowboarding a sport for bozo's and dweebs.
Whats wrong with Flat brims? That shit is tight. Im just soooo sick of all this shit. I just wanna listen to bands that speak from the heart and tell we what to wear and how to think. I mean you have no idea how hard my life is between work and stuff I just need that almost old school but with a little bit of metal sound to sooth me to sleep each night. Alls I'm saying is man just start booking and going to shows of bands I like so we can all be friends. It's lonely as shit up here.
You know what brook I knew that. Thats what makes this string so hard. You attacking me and I just wanna be your friend. I feel like we have a connection you know. You should start your band up again and we should be friends. If you gave me a note that said check box 1 if you like me more than a friend I would.
Oh and p.s. Shon... Ive got somebody you should fuck.... Yourself... thats right... Go Fuck Yourself..
youve been there? Kid youre like what 16 years old... Get real.
p.p.s. is this best comment thread to date? I remember when everybody got mad at me and mike we had a serious run of comments but this might be the winner.
you could be in my band man. We are like really positive uplifting hardcore. Im talking Mad PMA. We are liking starting from scratch so I thought of this bad ass name Back to Zero. Get it? Like back to start do not pass go shit. Let's rework this scene in my image is what I'm trying to say. Check out my single and let me know what you think man. Hey what are you doing later maybe we could grab some dinner? maybe a movie or something?
Listen Brook your a great guy. your joke was funny just not outloud funny. so i guess im sorry if that was offensive? didnt want to hurt you of all people. Oh and im actually 15 years old, not 16.
casey i think you missed my point and dont worry you dont have to explain yourself or anything like that but your still a great guy.
Haha I like the play on my name and that someone actually spent all that time on that. It's flattering. I haven't lived in pc since mid-08. I could give a fuck what a staightedge dude that doesn't give a fuck about his health thinks about any sport outside of curling.
Nice job telling the 15 year old to fuck himself. The last thing you should do is be behind a mic. Cookie monster needs to retire that shit style. Stick to where the real talent is
Enough is Enough already. Fuck Im gonna pull my hair out man. I just cant deal with all this drama. I need a damn joint and a beer. Old school forever. Brook we still on for our date? I can't wait. Can we share a desert with one fork.
Did you really make a stab at my health? Really?? You pick the athletic competition and ill beat you in it guaranteed. Especially curling. Guaranteed. Literally I'd bet my favorite pair of moisture wicking wash monthly underwear and or money.Next time your in town hit me up and we'll arm wrestle for sure.
I sooo miss you Dan. You don't even know how deeply my asshole just quivers thinking of the years before you left. I should have told you how I really felt but you know how guys are. When you come back we should get a spot somewhere where no one knows us. Vancouver maybe.
Now that you mention it, I have a confession that I need to get off my chest too. Especially since I just turned 30. We'll call it a limpwrist confession
Real mature. Gay jokes and you even said faggot. But you gave yourself away a man. Everyone on here knows i use a way better set of words now. But seriously you being so old school and shit i'd think you could come up with something better. What happened to insulting with references to head shrinks?
You keep saying faggot like i'm gonna care. I just think the other way is a bit funnier. But we took that word back a long time ago so feel free to abuse the fuck out of it. But seriously man, the best you can come up with is fat jokes. A minute ago you were a damn rhodes scholar. What happened? Your really grasping for straws now. Pre 2009 Casey?? If you wanted to play that card you should have said but post 2004 cause thats technically when I started eating a lot more twinkies and doing far less physical activity. Just an FYI Hit me up if you need more material ill be here all day.
You know what? If you really wanna get to me just come after my lyrics, my love of nickelback, or the countless hours that I've spent playing world of warcraft. Shit, even return to the fact that I'm 30 and still can't use the correct for of "they're" and "their" etc....Theyres some material for you daddy Old School. Otherwise stay up in park city and book the shitty have heart not about shit tough guy cdc bands that you want to here. Or hyke it back to the east coust you roads skolar
shon, on your kollective thing, you can take offense to this if you want, but you're a fucking idiot. how many of the posts on this site are against the kollective? you should grow up and check into shit before you open your mouth about it.
...And will someone please explain to me why Foundation, Rotting Out, Backtrack, and Harms Way are all playing a Kollective show on May 27th?...only two days after the DIY show in ogden.
because they offered the bands more than we can pay them, and are going to make it a rediculously expensive show, because thats what they do.
stop complaining about shows and do something about it. you have just as much power and just as many resources to make the rotting out and foundation show a real hardcore show as we do. get off your ass and do something.
"because they offered the bands more than we can pay them, and are going to make it a rediculously expensive show, because thats what they do."
It's 8 dollars dude. IF that is ridiculously (not spelled with an E buddy) expensive than you need to move to Nicaragua. SLC can't pay what Ogden can pay because the majority of the Salt Lake scene doesn't appreciate good music. They'd be at a Through The Eyes Of The Dead show before supporting a Bridge 9 band. But I get it, that is the definition of hardcore out here which would explain the 95/5 ratio of men to women here in the scene.
well you aren't from SLC so why should you give a fuck? you haven't been here to know how the kollective runs shit. look into it. if you wanna be so posi and support the positive things, why don't you check into it and decide for yourself if its really that much of an awesome thing to support. i almost guarantee you won't be so much about it.
oh hell yeah, i just looked into that rotting out and foundation show, and its been moved to may 25th at mojo's in ogden. so NOT a kolective show. that would be why it is so cheap now. great save by JP!!
hey douche bag, i don't know about shows in Idaho because i deal with my own scene in the city and surrounding cities i live in, unlike other people in this chat. and as for the whole newer bands not getting attention in salt lake, maybe they don't get the attention because they haven't played here yet, therefore no real reason to care about em? so instead of whining, email the bands you think people should get into and tell them to come here, and stop complaining about a scene that you aren't even a part of.
God I quit looking at this thread a few days ago cause I figured it was dead. But apparently I don't like video games or something. Who knows. What I also didnt know was that Bridge 9 is the label that defines hardcore.I guess I need to spend more time on that board so I reconnect.
Jaromy, quit grasping at fucking straws. You said the Kollective show would be overpriced which it certainly isn't regardless if its in Idaho or fucking Japan. And fuck no I'm not going to book bands until I know people will show up. Fuck, even the Bronx reiterated Sat night that slc has a bad rap for touring bands
Hey, fake Casey. This is coming from the guy that blogs about video games and will beat your face in. Anytime you wanna step your G up and stop punking out on a website get at me. That was a hardcore screen shot of you probably bitching out...double hXc.
i hate that i can't see anyone's faces cause i dono who half these people are anymore haha. not being on this website for 2 weeks then coming back to it is pretty crazy!
Thats cool GCA is getting big but it sucks people from other scene's can talk shit on here. bet they wouldnt if these discussions were face to face... damn.. haha
Golly gee I sure hope first blood shows up! !
i made the thumbs down and a fart noise.
I am searching for a vegan tattoo artist here in SLC. Any suggestions?
it's a shame SLC doesn't like good music
Troy Trujillo is a vegan tattooer. He's also a hell of a guy. The real shame is that every fag fuck band is doing a reunion to make some dough.
Jcub: Haha, probably not.
Brook: Agreed.
vonetenv: Listen to Jake. Troy is the man. But Jake is an amazing tattooist himself, and a swell guy to boot, so consider getting some work done by him as well. (They work at the same shop.)
Greg: No one likes an overgeneralizer.
Jake: Agreed and Agreed.
is earth crisis the band with all the hard riffs... and the mosh pits...
I think its a shame that Karl Buckner expects me to come pay to watch his fat ass jump around. I choose to not to ruin my childhood memories by watching these guys do a little soft shoe for their mortgage payments. I think they should all get sent a copy of the wrestler with a note that says, WAKE UP LOSER!
Eleventh Street it is! Thanks fellas!!
dammit casey all your great one liners and comedy we all enjoy is going to waste because you guys aren't doing the podcast
Hmmmm.... Okay you twisted my arm. Im gonna hound Trevor and Sias and we'll get it next week.
you mean hound trevor, hes the man with the plan.
So Karl Buechner should retire? I guess that h20 should hang it up and the CroMags should be dead and buried at this point then.
No hype about the gravemaker/donnybrook show on here. Fucking great time
why would they hype donnybrook? so we can all go and have them insult our scene along with the crowd again from the stage and say how tuff they are because they are "fsu"? that is super-posi and is great for our scene. good job Deaf.i!!
Donnybrook and Gravemaker both suck.
donnybrook is no friend to salt lake my man, they have repeatedly talked shit on the salt lake hardcore kids and disrespected our scene. as far as grave maker, those doods seem like nice guys and im personally down to help them however i can when they arent playing sketchy venues. and i fully concure with casey, watching earth crisis is fucking depressing. watching songs that were written about something the band felt passionate about over 15 years ago is hard to swallow when the comeback tours are based around a paycheck. earth crisis is one of the bands that got me really into hardcore, but they lost me at slither.
It was an awesome show. I saw some GCA people there outside then they faded into the abyss.
Donnybrook and Gravemaker suck? Only in SLC would I hear that. Bring on the dungeons and dragons metalcore
Don't know about D&D metalcore but anthings better than a WWF extreme pro wrestling band. Oh wait Donny Brook is the brootal tough guy band it was their other band that was enthralled with the world of backyard wrestling. You know who else likes backyard wrestling? ill give you a hint it starts with a J and ends with a UGALLO. Im not saying they were but if it quacks like a duck.
i can see where you would mistake boxing for backyard wrestling...real sharp
Wait....they hit each other with sheetrock and drywall in boxing????? my bad I guess i done fucked up mine thinking.
You play for dogwelder but if you played in a good band I wouldn't hold that against the good band to keep me from seeing it. Where did all those gca people scurry off to that were at the outer rim that night? I'm with greg on this one. There is a grippe with every good band here. No room for mistakes here. And please spare the anecdotes of how "this guy" or "this band" was a douche to slc. There is no mistaking the fact that DB and Gravemaker killed that fucking show
can i borrow some aloe for that burn. man your quick. was it my name that gave it away. well you say tomato and i say juggalos so we will agree to disagree.
blah blah blah Donnybrook sucks.
You kids crack me up on here. My opinion is that Donnybrook doesn't suck. I was never fond of the SLC scene or the bands in it. But i continued to support it because i'm a HxC kid. Having said that, i don't miss a good show when it comes around. If you choose not to go, then oh well. The shit was insane. And DB actually had a pretty posi vibe. I'm not talking posi-core. They just wanted us to have fun, so we did. Now that i am back in Philly i will catch them out here where they may be a little more likely to promote violence. It appears as though everyone on here has forgotten about stage dives and high fives.
i will settle this argument right now...
There is no way a show being held at the outer rim will ever be promoted on this website. I dont care what band it is and how great they are.
Wont happen, not in a million years.
Blah blah blah fuck the kollective whah whah whah fuck the outer rim blah blah blah fuck donneybrook, blacklisted, gravemaker, first blood, earth crisis, and she rides whah whah gravemaker got signed to victory records....Unfuckingbelievable. Posi? Positively lame as shit.
Is the grippe about the outer rim about the One Clean Life pre-sale? They couldn't sell fifteen pre-sale tickets before the show. FIFTEEN. That is unfair? Enough said. And Brook- weren't you at the DB show?
josch I just want to know if you think a lot of this is "positively lame as shit", why the fuck would you bother to keep checking this website and then posting comments?
the irony is entertaining. I'm from the east coast. We like to laugh at people that frustrate us.
I mean there is something to be said for a hardcore scene on life support that doesn't understand that beggars can't be choosers.
And the cry for Posi has to be some kind of joke to cover up whatever kind of preadolescent beef that whoever has with FSU or DB or whatever because no-one gives a fuck about posi-anything out here. God forbid a "posi" band comes to town they'd probably be promoted by the wrong promoter, play the wrong venue, or tour with the wrong bands.
I'll tell you what's posi....enjoying hardcore without a bunch of hardcore nerds knit-picking the shit out of it
I hate being my age solely for the fact that I missed out on a bunch of bands being way cooler than they are now.
This isnt a debate. This website just wont promote Outer Rim shows...
Ive hated the owners of The Outer Rim since before the kids in One Clean Life knew what hard core was. (not a stab at them at all but its true)
If you wanna promote outer rim shows make your
own website. If you wanna keep talking shit anonymously, by all means keep coming here and posting. Personally I get a kick out of it.
P.S. Thanks. My ego loves that you know who i am but ive got no idea who you are... I probably fucked your girl and youre still bitter about it.
Oh and Josch youve got it quite wrong. We are NOT beggars and we certainly are Choosers.
We will choose who we will support. And who gives a mother fuck if our scene is on "life support" its our scene. let us worry about it.
Is it so boring on the east coast you need to worry about what a bunch of small town kids are doing with their scene? Get a life homie. Soon youre gonna find out that there are greater things out there than hardcore. Or maybe you wont... you will be the 40 year old dood at shows telling the young kids how it used to be.
Yes, I live a one-sided hardcore life and you fucked my girl. Slam-dunk Carl fucking Jung
unless said earth crisis show is in 1995 i don't give a care.
thanks for the shouts Jake and Dan.
i think it's funny people that are pulling the "posi" card are the ones talking shit on people for not liking a band, and/or venue/promoter.
you guys are so stupid.
and if the east coast is better, then, either stay there or go back.
if this is "life support" then SLC has been on "life support" for well over 15 years but somehow still manages to be bad that's hard as fuck.
If your from the east coast why are you here? I bet its for college. You were probably sitting back home and said man i bet Salt Lake City is soooooo awesome. Then you moved here and acted like a douche and got treated like one. So you were jaded. Then you found the Kollective and like the rest of the losers and sellouts you joined up. Telling stories about how you all grew up to much for that scene when in actuality you got roughed up a bit too much and without words got asked to not come back.Everyone like you has the same story and we've seen it a million times. Its okay though cause you'll be smoking the glass dick before long and moving to Seattle or San Fran.
Did anyone ever wanna be "posi".Being a nice guy is one thing and I would have to say we've made big strides in that direction since I was a kid. Was Hardcore ever Posi. Maybe its time to listen to a Minor threat record. Not that posi ma man.
Lastly If you dont like it fine but why do you give a fuck about what any one else does. Mind your own business and keep enjoying the fine Kollective shows. God you sound like a bitch kind of. "Why are you going out again?" "What are you doing?" Geeze mind your own.
Or maybe, Casey should do BigDoggwelder. It can be your Harley's War.
Good guess but way off. I like how you tried to break it down though, good effort. I'm 26. Moved out to PC originally to ride and transferred my job. So no, I never got roughed up, kicked out, asked not to come back,etc....Spent my years enjoying FSU shows which I'll continue to travel to regardless of the cost. Peeped shows out here long before I ever moved out as my close friends relocated even before I did. So I knew the local bands were awful (i.e. the first band that played the Since The Flood/Seventh Star show) except for a small handful but didn't give a fuck. Never acted like a douche, and to be fair to SLC, never got treated like a douche. Got introduced to this message board and figured out why hardcore has tanked here. And maybe I'll hit a sellout show here and there. I'd rather have some of the loot reach the band that have them write off this city.
Don't quit your day job Copperfield
xxxjosxhchxxx why you always gotta be hatin on local least they're actually trying to do shit, you're just sitting on your ass talkin shit on our local bands and scene, obviously not trying to do anything productive for it, since it tanked like you said. and can you really honestly listen to Tamerlane and say "hey, they suck so i wont go to real hardcore shows because these local bands suck, i'd rather attend a sell out show everyonce in a while"
where is your positivity in "SLC bands are awful"?
I would like to hear your small handful of local bands that weren't awful that you didn't give a fuck for.
and by the way, brook, the comment about fuckin someones girlfriends actually made me laugh out loud..that's rare.
I just have one question...
Who is Carl "fucking" Jung?
The bands that I liked- city to city and cool your jets don't play and I can't stomach that metally starkweather knockoff jazz. I get off my ass for bands that move me and could give a fuck about what their reputation is or who is selling the tickets or what stigma their venue has. I get real far off my ass. I fly to festivals, drive to cali and vegas. I'm a willing individual.
So the local bands I'm used to having-ODTW, letdown, blacklisted, paint it black, shattered realm,the banner,lifetime, lighten up,barricade,wisdom in chains, mongoloids, reign supreme, minor times, fight amp, funeral bird, gunna vahm, all else failed, van damage......cant say that you can compare the local bands that don't break up here to no, I'm not interested in watching a bunch of knockoffs of starkweather, a band that philly doesn't want.
I've got a PMA for the rest of the country
So much trolling in here...
I got no gripe against Earth Crisis. Never got into First Blood or Donny Brook. Grave Maker are legit dudes.
Outer Rim operates in a shitty way and that's why some people avoid it. Why the fuck should EACH band have to pay $150 to play a show with a 60%/40% split on the back end? If you know anything about booking/promoting shows then you know how ass backwards that is. A four band bill makes them an easy $600 regardless of whether or not they do THEIR JOB promoting it and getting kids to come. I've played plenty of shows for free with no complaints. But my band isn't playing shows so that some asshole can make his car payment...
That's my contribution.
What’s up with the whole "I don’t go to kollective shows" thing that is going on right now? As far as I am concerned everyone that has commented on this thread has been to a kollective or outer rim show and that shit is the same to me. Before you preach, take a step back and make sure you’re not a hypocrite. I get that supporting these fuckers is unbearable but sometimes we have guilty pleasures. Like last night for example. Some kid gave me a free ticket to the Sleeping Giant show at school, of course I took it. The same people that say “fuck the kollective” were at the show last night. Food for thought.
Tyson, Brook isn’t all that funny. Fucking scene girls is like sticking your dick in an anorexic pig. Believe me, I’ve been there.
Love you all. Truly.
...And will someone please explain to me why Foundation, Rotting Out, Backtrack, and Harms Way are all playing a Kollective show on May 27th?...only two days after the DIY show in ogden.
well, i was talking about this scene in slc. you driving to cali doesn't affect us. since you live here, why not take the thumb out of your ass, wash it off and gain a PMA for this scene. why don't you start a goddamn band? since only two bands from here move you. and then you can go play a show for a drunk fuck who's only care for the hardcore scene is if it dies he loses out on some booze and bills.
and shon, it was funny.
Don't give a fuck if my audience is drunk or sober. And I started a band. Took months and months to find decent musicians but wasn't happy with the end product.
Josch Sorry man I had you pegged all wrong. Your OLD SCHOOL as fuck. I should have known. I bet you own hella old school tshirts, bad ass nike dunks and many many flat brims. Mad props bro.
Once again worry about yourself and we'll take care of ourselves. You don't like the locals here fuck off back east or start a band that you like. You wanna see some bands here and enjoy our company, book something. Find a venue in PC and book the bands you wanna see. Like you, we know how to operate a automobile for the purposes of travel and have been know to do so.We were probably traveling out of state for shows when you were just learning how to whack your dick. I won't hold the fact your currently acting like a fine young gentleman against you. You book something I'll come and support your show. Not sure what this scene means to you but as far as im concerned supporting shit bags isn't exactly the most hardcore thing you can do. Yeah maybe we've struggled to secure a good venue for a while but i'd rather have less shows and not support these fucks. But Again don't like it bone out bro. Leave or shred it up in PC with your pals. Don't really care just don't come tell me what I'm supposed to do or not do.
PS. Whats an FSU Show. Is that like a scout Jamboree where everyone meets up. Just curious why you would put that on there and not just say that you travel for shows??So I'm guessing it must be some special meetup or something like a Jamboree.
PSS. Shon - I have never been to 1 show free or not that has been put on by any of those fucks. Nor would I and I can say that there definitely are many like me. The only people I know that have were in the same boat as you with the freebies. Although my personal opinion is that providing your presence is just as bad. You provide atmosphere. I also have to agree with Tyson, brook is funny and really more than likely hurt someone in this threads feelings by stealing away their lady.
PSSS- Is it just me or snowboarding a sport for bozo's and dweebs.
Whats wrong with Flat brims? That shit is tight. Im just soooo sick of all this shit. I just wanna listen to bands that speak from the heart and tell we what to wear and how to think. I mean you have no idea how hard my life is between work and stuff I just need that almost old school but with a little bit of metal sound to sooth me to sleep each night. Alls I'm saying is man just start booking and going to shows of bands I like so we can all be friends. It's lonely as shit up here.
Hey i was in City To City!
but trust me none of us were posi...
well Dan is sorta posi, and im probably HIV posi.
so yeah i guess we were a posi band. Hell yeaaaah!
You know what brook I knew that. Thats what makes this string so hard. You attacking me and I just wanna be your friend. I feel like we have a connection you know. You should start your band up again and we should be friends. If you gave me a note that said check box 1 if you like me more than a friend I would.
Oh and p.s. Shon... Ive got somebody you should fuck.... Yourself... thats right... Go Fuck Yourself..
youve been there? Kid youre like what 16 years old... Get real.
p.p.s. is this best comment thread to date? I remember when everybody got mad at me and mike we had a serious run of comments but this might be the winner.
Well i wanted to start up city to city again but i want to be the singer this time. Nobody likes my ideas.
I heard Type O Negative is looking for some new talent so im gonna get a try out hopefully.
you could be in my band man. We are like really positive uplifting hardcore. Im talking Mad PMA. We are liking starting from scratch so I thought of this bad ass name Back to Zero. Get it? Like back to start do not pass go shit. Let's rework this scene in my image is what I'm trying to say. Check out my single and let me know what you think man.
Hey what are you doing later maybe we could grab some dinner? maybe a movie or something?
Listen Brook your a great guy. your joke was funny just not outloud funny. so i guess im sorry if that was offensive? didnt want to hurt you of all people. Oh and im actually 15 years old, not 16.
casey i think you missed my point and dont worry you dont have to explain yourself or anything like that but your still a great guy.
your all great guys.
Haha I like the play on my name and that someone actually spent all that time on that. It's flattering. I haven't lived in pc since mid-08. I could give a fuck what a staightedge dude that doesn't give a fuck about his health thinks about any sport outside of curling.
Nice job telling the 15 year old to fuck himself. The last thing you should do is be behind a mic. Cookie monster needs to retire that shit style. Stick to where the real talent is
Dood Josch are you like bi-polar or something? What happened to us going to dinner? Fuck man i was having my favorite band shirt cleaned and pressed.
Well great. Now what am i gonna do looking as dapper as i do?
Ok Ok OK... I get it now.. this josch dood is a fake profile. Oh man remember the old SLCHC message board.
those were the days.
Enough is Enough already. Fuck Im gonna pull my hair out man. I just cant deal with all this drama. I need a damn joint and a beer. Old school forever. Brook we still on for our date? I can't wait. Can we share a desert with one fork.
Did you really make a stab at my health? Really?? You pick the athletic competition and ill beat you in it guaranteed. Especially curling. Guaranteed. Literally I'd bet my favorite pair of moisture wicking wash monthly underwear and or money.Next time your in town hit me up and we'll arm wrestle for sure.
This is great. I miss you guys.
I sooo miss you Dan. You don't even know how deeply my asshole just quivers thinking of the years before you left. I should have told you how I really felt but you know how guys are. When you come back we should get a spot somewhere where no one knows us. Vancouver maybe.
Now that you mention it, I have a confession that I need to get off my chest too. Especially since I just turned 30. We'll call it a limpwrist confession
Hey! I dont even remember writing that. Well i guess i defiantly did cause my name and picture is right there for everybody to see.
Gay jokes?
Poor form people... poor form.
Gay jokes are for faggots and juggalos.
Defiantly would be a badass band name
That's what I was thinking earlier today Brook. Some people are just too much you know?
This shit is boring to me... wake me up when there is new stuff to talk shit on.
Real mature. Gay jokes and you even said faggot. But you gave yourself away a man. Everyone on here knows i use a way better set of words now. But seriously you being so old school and shit i'd think you could come up with something better. What happened to insulting with references to head shrinks?
Longest comment thread to date I'd say.
Only the real pre-2009 me is allowed to say faggot. Anybody up for a workout?
I don't know about working out but i'd sure like to take my shirt off. I
Hey how did the fake poster know I like to take my shirt off?
I suspect that this is an inside job.
You keep saying faggot like i'm gonna care. I just think the other way is a bit funnier. But we took that word back a long time ago so feel free to abuse the fuck out of it. But seriously man, the best you can come up with is fat jokes. A minute ago you were a damn rhodes scholar. What happened? Your really grasping for straws now. Pre 2009 Casey?? If you wanted to play that card you should have said but post 2004 cause thats technically when I started eating a lot more twinkies and doing far less physical activity. Just an FYI Hit me up if you need more material ill be here all day.
You know what? If you really wanna get to me just come after my lyrics, my love of nickelback, or the countless hours that I've spent playing world of warcraft. Shit, even return to the fact that I'm 30 and still can't use the correct for of "they're" and "their" etc....Theyres some material for you daddy Old School. Otherwise stay up in park city and book the shitty have heart not about shit tough guy cdc bands that you want to here. Or hyke it back to the east coust you roads skolar
Donnybrook still sucks a fuck.
They are definitely no xLiferuinerx.
From Fat Jokes to Punctuation jokes. Your on a roll now ma man.
haha i forgot about life ruiner. that fat kid in the band fights cops.
I just wanted to be the 80th comment on the stupidest thread of all time.
shon, on your kollective thing, you can take offense to this if you want, but you're a fucking idiot. how many of the posts on this site are against the kollective? you should grow up and check into shit before you open your mouth about it.
shonxmurdock said...
...And will someone please explain to me why Foundation, Rotting Out, Backtrack, and Harms Way are all playing a Kollective show on May 27th?...only two days after the DIY show in ogden.
because they offered the bands more than we can pay them, and are going to make it a rediculously expensive show, because thats what they do.
Thanks Jaromy you know i was just trying to put my finger on it. But im such an idiot i couldnt figure it out. Thanks guy.
stop complaining about shows and do something about it. you have just as much power and just as many resources to make the rotting out and foundation show a real hardcore show as we do. get off your ass and do something.
"because they offered the bands more than we can pay them, and are going to make it a rediculously expensive show, because thats what they do."
It's 8 dollars dude. IF that is ridiculously (not spelled with an E buddy) expensive than you need to move to Nicaragua. SLC can't pay what Ogden can pay because the majority of the Salt Lake scene doesn't appreciate good music. They'd be at a Through The Eyes Of The Dead show before supporting a Bridge 9 band. But I get it, that is the definition of hardcore out here which would explain the 95/5 ratio of men to women here in the scene.
Stupidest thread of all time from the dude who blogs about video games. That was a hardcore screen shot of your kill ranking. hXc
because if a band doesn't have those sick two steps and isn't signed to bridge 9 then they suck right?
well you aren't from SLC so why should you give a fuck? you haven't been here to know how the kollective runs shit. look into it. if you wanna be so posi and support the positive things, why don't you check into it and decide for yourself if its really that much of an awesome thing to support. i almost guarantee you won't be so much about it.
oh hell yeah, i just looked into that rotting out and foundation show, and its been moved to may 25th at mojo's in ogden. so NOT a kolective show. that would be why it is so cheap now. great save by JP!!
Hey jaromy quickness,
The 27th show in idaho at the Icon is a kollective show. Nothing was moved and its still 8 dollars. You hungover today bro?
Oh I forgot non-two step deathwish bands aren't appreciated either. Cookie monster reigns dislocation
Why doesn't everyone shut the fuck up and we can all listen to Age of Quarrel?
hey douche bag, i don't know about shows in Idaho because i deal with my own scene in the city and surrounding cities i live in, unlike other people in this chat. and as for the whole newer bands not getting attention in salt lake, maybe they don't get the attention because they haven't played here yet, therefore no real reason to care about em? so instead of whining, email the bands you think people should get into and tell them to come here, and stop complaining about a scene that you aren't even a part of.
God I quit looking at this thread a few days ago cause I figured it was dead. But apparently I don't like video games or something. Who knows. What I also didnt know was that Bridge 9 is the label that defines hardcore.I guess I need to spend more time on that board so I reconnect.
Jaromy, quit grasping at fucking straws. You said the Kollective show would be overpriced which it certainly isn't regardless if its in Idaho or fucking Japan. And fuck no I'm not going to book bands until I know people will show up. Fuck, even the Bronx reiterated Sat night that slc has a bad rap for touring bands
I swear, bunch of drama queens in SLC...
you are all terrible human beings and somehow trying too hard has forced you over the brink into complete defectiveness
is that steve carell? i love the office!
Hey, fake Casey. This is coming from the guy that blogs about video games and will beat your face in. Anytime you wanna step your G up and stop punking out on a website get at me. That was a hardcore screen shot of you probably bitching out...double hXc.
100th post. YES!
i hate that i can't see anyone's faces cause i dono who half these people are anymore haha. not being on this website for 2 weeks then coming back to it is pretty crazy!
Thats cool GCA is getting big but it sucks people from other scene's can talk shit on here. bet they wouldnt if these discussions were face to face... damn.. haha
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