Thursday, November 5, 2009

TONIGHT IN SLC: 11/05/09

David Mack's Kabuki - The Alchemy @ Main Library
David Mack has been on the verge of big time for years. He's done numerous covers and stories for Marvel, but none as respected as his creator-owned series Kabuki. Works from his current volume, The Alchemy, will be on display in the Main Library for the next month (starting today) and Mack himself will be on hand early next month for a gallery talk and reception.

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NPR's Planet Money
KUER 90.1 presents an evening with Peabody Award-winning journalists Alex Blumberg ("This American Life") and NPR's Adam Davidson of "Planet Money." "Planet Money," a multimedia team of reporters tracks down the high rollers, brainy economists, and regular folks who are trying to make sense of the global economy. The focus is on clarification, not making the facts more obscure. Hosted by KUER's Senior Reporter Jenny Brundin, Adam and Alex will discuss the radio series and provide a clear picture of today's global economic situation.

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