Wednesday, August 27, 2008


In news I care about, word on the street is that Jesse Custer has gotten the ax as the HBO adaptation of the comic book 'Preacher' has been cancelled. Click the link for more info. In brighter news, for fans of Garth Ennis' other works, rumor has it that 'The Boys' may be made into a movie by Columbia. I wouldn't get my hopes up on the faithfulness to content for a movie adaptation but there a 1 in 999,959,992 chance the movie will be amazing. Feel free to take a moment of silence for the death of 'Preacher' series.


Trevor said...

To Preacher getting the axe, I say: Thank fucking Christ.

Daredevil sucked.
Ghost Rider sucked even more.
Did anyone seriously think that fucking guy was going to do a good job with Preacher?

Not a fucking chance.

XfirestormX said...

yeah but lets hope showtime or another picks it up and gives it to someone awesome. Got an idea give it to zack snyder.

xjoe jacksonx said...

I have been dreading the moment when Preacher, one of the coolest things I've ever read (thanks Spidey) would be on the TV, so to me this is good news. Just becuase something is amazing as a comic book doesn't mean you should turn it into a movie, can't Hollywood come up with new shit on their own? Besides if you're interested in the material try reading for a change.

sias said...

i agree that the chances of it being awesome were slim but the only thing that gave me hope was that hbo does a great job with all of theyre ongoing tv series. either way it no longer matters.