Friday, February 13, 2009


I didn't like these guys when they played here a couple of weeks ago, and I fucking hate them now. The first two minutes alone give you an idea of what douche bags they are, then it just goes downhill from there. But, at least they won't hook up with any girls under 21, so I guess that's cool.

Fast forward to about 21 minutes to catch the SLC portion (which isn't right because nowhere on the flier was Bury Your Dead mentioned).

She Rides "You Fuckin' Sell Out Loser"


XfirestormX said...

I would love to see someone punch these faggots right in there stupid faces. Its not so much the hating on straight edge as it is just the out right cocky bad ass attitude. God I would love to disect this interview to point out the hundreds of other reasons but Im tired. But really I would buy someone a fancy soda if they just jump on these guys heads.

Idaho Dan said...

this was my favorite band that has played here in months. i actually enjoyed watching them play which is more than i can say for 90% of bands that come through here.

Clinton Sawicz said...

i would have to agree with dan... these were pretty fucking good. and seemed like way cool dudes when i talked to them outside...i don't really see why everyone is so mad... did i miss a part of the interview?

Clinton Sawicz said...

dudes... these dudes were pretty good...

spenserprufrock said...

I think soliciting drugs over the internet is lame.

XxJoschxX said...
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Jesus Presly said...

These dudes are okay. I wouldn’t say they are original. Here is the formula 2 parts Refused 3 parts Every Time I Die and 1 part cliché Danzig song title for band = She Rides. That was an incredibly obnoxious interview. How many times did the dude make it a point that he was an adult? That’s fine that he sold out Straight Edge and Hardcore but to justify it by saying he has grown out of it and basically saying he is on a higher-level cause he is older and wiser. He clearly isn’t comfortable with his own life choices the way he had to keep justifying why he sold out and last time I checked- asking 18 year olds to bring coke and ecstasy and other drugs for them at shows is not an adult way to act. What a weak person- he got his feelings hurt cause Bury Your Dead kicked him out of the band so he started selling cd’s Rick Ta Life style and smoking weed? Wow if you consider getting kicked out of a band a trial and you are in your 30 somethings now, you have had an easy life. I commend them on getting out, playing and recording descent tunes but they did come off rather cocky and heartless.

Dan Fletcher said...

Ian, come on...

That band was a second, no third, no, maybe, fourth rate Suicide File. Adding cliched rock riffs to hardcore is nothing new and these guys tap every hackneyed riff in the book.

To label them as "some of the most original hardcore punk to come out in a decade" is an extreme overstatement.

It seems like they love what they do and that's great... but let's give credit where credit's due.

If you want to bestow praise on a newer band for mixing fast hardcore punk and traditional rock'n'roll, let's honor The Suicide File, The Hope Conspiracy, Bars, Coliseum, Doomriders, Blacklisted or even youngsters like Run with the Hunted or Trash Talk (great bands playing "good fucking shows" in Salt Lake in the near future.)

P.S. Sweeping generalizations about how kids dance and what color clothes they wear is not going to make the hardcore scene any stronger.

Trevor said...

I just thought they were boring to watch, and not because I was "waiting for the breakdown that wasn't gonna happen"

To me, they just didn't seem like they enjoyed being here at all. That's just my opinion though, and I'm glad some people got a kick out of them.

Trevor said...

To Jesus Presley: They did say that the girls needed to be at least 21, so you've got to give them that.

And fuck anyone that says they got out of hardcore because they needed to "grow up" or "become an adult."

xbrooklynx said...

yeah i was defiantly not waiting for a breakdown. They were a whole bunch of all right. They seemed cool in person. But that interview makes them look like huge douche bags.

we get it youre an adult now...

Im an adult too. And I'm still straight edge.

XfirestormX said...

Im gonna have to say that coexisting does not come with the implication that straight edge is for kids and doing coke and smoking weed is something that comes with being a "grown up" Im gonna go out a limb here and say doing coke and smoking weed when you have a family and are in your late 20's is the least grown up thing you can do. Consider what your family would do if you went to jail for such behavior or got a bad dose and died what then faggot. Also Im gonna second brooks comments I AM A GROWN UP. At least as much as that faggot is. And guess what Im still striaght edge. Also just on a side note FUCK NEW YORK CITY. It is chalk full of faggots. My theory is the people here are lazy retards whos familys just werent smart enough to figure out how to go west. Got off the boat and just quit.Oh and Ian they are not a hardcore band he actually says he is not even a hardcore kid so HAH!

XxJoschxX said...
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XxJoschxX said...

#1. East Coast doesn't imply NYC
#2.It said hardcore punk, not hardcore. Let's go with skate punk
#3. Comparisons to Coliseum (way more fucked up than She Rides on a substance scale), Doomriders accurate....Who wouldn't want the Suicide File to still exist or the Hope Conspiracy to actually tour out here?
#4. My family sure wouldn't appreciate me using the archaic "faggot" over and over or misspelling families as "familys", or better yet misusing the term "chock full" by writing "chalk full".

Shitty attitudes keep bands from coming here and SLC from having the kinda scene that Chicago, Philly, and Worchester have. Where is Bane when we need them?

xbrooklynx said...

She Rides is alright, they definitely seemed a little weirded out before they played but brought way more energy than we usually have here. I didn't get a pompous attitude from the interview so much as a dude who looks like he might have made some bad choices that he regrets. I gotta give Joe props for joining the military and then standing for what he believed in by getting thrown out after he got kicked outta bury your dead. They were cool guys after the show too. And i'm not too sure about people from NY being too stupid to go out west. There wasn't shit out west when NY was settled. Sure as fuck wasn't part of the union yet much less a frontier. Yikes.

Anonymous said...

Bane's overrated.

Dan Fletcher said...

Hey Josch,

Book some shows. Start a band. Write a zine. What happened to making things better before condescension and complaint?

You might not get Bane but you've still got their lyrics sheets, right?

...when you sit around and talk shit about everything that you once based your whole life on, well that is where you can count me out...

You know the rest... because I'll be here...

Take a look at your own shitty attitude before you brand it on others.

Dan Fletcher said...

And feel free to e-mail me if you want to help out with anything.

sias said...

hey its time for me to throw in my two cents. let me start off with saying i thought that band was a whole lot of alright, nothing origional, nothing interesting but alright.

after the show several people told me they heard those kids talking shit about how much the locals sucked, so i didnt really feel bad that none of the younger kids really got into their music. even after hearing that i didnt really care one way or another about them. after seeing that interview it becomes abundantly clear that those kids were a bunch of bullshit artists. i could care less that homeboy sold out, but the condescension is off the scale. they talk about how theyve grown out of hardcore and how all hardcore kids want to hear is breakdowns. kids today appreciate more forms of hardcore than when i started going to shows, simple and plain. the reason those kids feel that no hardcore kids can appreciate their music is because when they were in their teens all they wanted to hear is shitty breakdowns i.e. bury your dead. fuck any band who says theyve grown out of hardcore but continue to push their mediocre music on hardcore kids. homeboy saying he could give a fuck less about straight edge, i get it, but he came off like a prick. the simple fact remains that those kids didnt have a problem with the show except for the fact that the young kids didnt get into it. several of the older kids commended them on their set. when they played they were disappointed with their reception, which was the reception that any band on their first tour and very little hype is going to get.

the only example of growing up those kids gave was that theyre not straight edge anymore and arent into hardcore. neither of which is a sign of real maturity to me when youre still: using hardcore shows as a front to sell your band, talking about how cool drug use is and living that 'rock n roll' lifestyle, bragging about how you used to fight a lot and condemning those activities in the same sentence when if you were really over those times in your life you wouldnt go into length about how down you were for violence. bottom line is they have a bad attitude towards hardcore kids but need to sell their band with their limited history with hardcore in general. their view of hardcore is breakdowns and fist fights, which is why they feel like theyve grown up by not being involved, but thats just a representation of their own mentality, currant and past

josch, bands who play salt lake generally enjoy the shows, unless they cross the line. the only bands whove ever truly trashed talked salt lake over stepped their bounds and showed a lot of disrepect for hardcore kids on a personal level. peoples opinion of those kids had nothing to do with their music and more to do with their condescending nature. they acted like they were too good for the show and the bands they were playing with. no one cares that they do drugs, it was their attitude towards hardcore and straight edge kids being somehow not grown up. im into the bands dan listed, i could care less what a band does with their free time, but i do care when they feel they have to justify their own decisions by bashing others.

to everyone else that likes to say salt lake doesnt get good shows because of salt lake hardcore kids. dan said it before but its 100% true, if youre not involved you cant really tell kids how things are. most bands dont play salt lake for the same reason they skip the rest of the the midwest, its out of the way and there is little money in the small hardcore scene we have so booking agents dont want to take the risks. bands who book their own tours generally stop through, and every band ive ever done a show for has come back through on their next tour and expressed that they liked playing here. if you want the hardcore scene to be stronger stop placing blame and start coming to shows, not just the ones your favorite bands are playing. start a zine, a band, start doing shows, do something. dont run your mouth behind a keyboard to kids who are trying to make a change in this hardcore community and feel youve contributed. also, dont use a band like this to make an opinion about hardcore when theyre self admittedly not a hardcore band and no longer into the hardcore except for the few bands from their past they still jam to on tour.

also, im ranting and repeating things people have already said so feel free to point that out aswell as to pick apart my spelling and grammer cause really, who care?

Gardner! said...

Gardner's Official Comment:

XfirestormX said...

A.Your a FAGGOT.
1.You resorted to misspelling shit talk.
2.Not reading my comment correctly then shit talking it. "On a side note" would indicate that the discussion was about to digress.
3.Claiming that the genre Hardcore and Hardcore Punk were two different things. SEMANTICS. Thats like saying Punk and Punk Rock are two different things.
4. Suggesting that the reason bands don't come here is from something that hardcore kids here do.Bands dont come here because faggot kids like you try to pretend that we all are a bunch of fucking ass holes who are gonna ruin the show. The fact is that no band ever has played salt lake city and had a bad time at no fault of their own. I think these guys have bad attitudes and in light of new evidence ie. Sias statement relating to them shit talking the local bands FUCK THEM. Why should anyone support kids like this. Especially hardcore kids. Like they said they are not so they should go play shows at burts for a bunch of faggots like you. faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot. Now my family can really be ashamed. Go fuck yourself!
PS if you like those other scenes so much MOVE!

PS I mean this all in the most respectful way possible. Everyone should come to shows and have a good time. Even faggots that wanna make fun of my mispelling of words and "Old Fashioned" Language. But no one should ever kiss bands asses just so they come here even though they are shit bags. Why support asshole attitudes.

xbrooklynx said...

I was at that show too and people definitely yelled "beat up sellouts" to the band. How Bane is overrated is beyond me. I'm from NYC and have never experienced anything like their shows that end with everyone singing on the stage and a nearly empty floor. Maybe that's not for this post. However, I don't give a fuck if people want to talk about NYC. What I do care about is not hearing all this bullshit arguing shit-talking, name-calling juvenile shit. UT can't afford and doesn't need any rifts forming. Word