Sunday, February 28, 2010


Disowned is a new Salt Lake hardcore band influenced by the likes of "Catharsis, Coliseum, Amebix, Discharge, Articles Of Faith, Trial." Listen to the band's first recordings over on MySpace and support this very well intentioned group of guys (see bio).


xbrooklynx said...

no offense to this band but...

How come everybody is jocking Catharsis these days? I remember back when they were touring and everybody hated them?

same goes for trial... nobody gave a shit about them when they were fading out...

what makes them so amazing now?

spenserprufrock said...

Not to mention Catharsis gave the world CrimethInc, which is one of the worst things to ever happen

Dan Fletcher said...

Let's be real... There's much worse music to jock.

spenserprufrock said...

I wish bands would jock Crown of Thornz.

Dan Fletcher said...

Haha... There really should be more Fury of Five jocking as well.

spenserprufrock said...

"For years been pushed aside
Shut out by foolish pride
No more will this take place
Fury won't be disgraced
For years been pushed aside
Shut out by foolish pride
Jersey won't be disgraced!
They don't want to show us
They don't want to give us
They don't even like us
But now they have no choice

We're takin' respect, takin' respect
It's not where ya from it's where ya at"

I just wish there was more reverb on the vocals.

Dan Fletcher said...

Ritual Fuck - New Release 2010 - "Salt Lake Won't Be Disgraced: The Reverb Sessions" - I'm psyched!

[Can't wait to see your new dreads, Spenser.]

BFreedom said...

For the record, Catharsis was always awesome. The reason people in Salt Lake didn't like them is because when they played out here, the singer was singing in everyones faces and some people claimed to get spit on. So it was AFTER they played, not before, that people were bummed on them... me not included. Catharsis is fucking awesome.

Crimthinc is also awesome. Apathy isn't awesome.

spenserprufrock said...

Anti-crimethinc=apathy? Or am I missing something?

Unknown said...

Just curious... How is CrimetInc one of the worst things to ever happen?

I enjoyed a couple of the books they've published.

spenserprufrock said...

Mainly the kids that a generation of CrimethInc pamphlets produced. I am mainly talking about the explicit misreadings of theorists (namely Debord) that seem to saturate their press catalogue. That said it was more of a focused jab at the anarcho-primitivists here in Salt Lake that think CrimethInc is the end-all, be-all of radical-left politics. Sorry if I upset anyone, there are definitely worse things that have happened to the world, I was just exaggerating.

xxx said...

While Catharsis and Fury of Five do contain equal parts dreadlock, I seriously doubt that Brian Dingledine could keep up with the Jersey Moshcopter.

Dan Fletcher said...

While it's only March, I feel confident stating that we just experienced the best GCA comment of the year.