Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Two games in Boston:
Tampa Bay - 22
Boston - 5

Boston has been down 3 games to 1 and 3 games to none before and gotten out of it. Both times they won the World Series after doing so. There is still hope for Red Sox fans. Just not a lot of it.

That said: Fuck the Red Sox. Go Rays.


Nate said...

No no no. Its all about the Phillies! Get on that bandwagon please.

xjoe jacksonx said...

Florida sucks its like Magna only bigger, fuck all their teams!

Will said...

i agree with joe

90% of rays fans go to legends field in the spring sportin their yankee jerseys. the other 10% drive the 3 hours to fort myers to watch the redsox. those fags redefine the word bandwagon.

srsly fuck that awful town.

it's nothing but a haven for meth heads and coke fiends. i honestly cannot think of anywhere on earth i despise more than tampa, florida.

the first time i went to tampa, i saw a cop car with a yankee log on it. i nearly lost my fucking mind. =/