Friday, October 3, 2008


Wow. Just... Wow.

Redneck Woman Rails on Obama - Watch more free videos


MikEdge said...

Quit bagging on this lady, she's clearly ok with Obama being black, it's not like she's a racist or anything. She's just pointing out the hidden truth that the "A-rabs" are trying to sneak him into the American presidency to help themselves win the war that we are ostensibly engaged in with all of the Middle Eastern countries she named...

Dan Fletcher said...

Anyone who can decode the toothless guy's ramblings get a free ticket to Starkweather on me.

sias said...

i think he says jesus hates the A-rabs. that and something about brushring your teeth is overrated.

Anonymous said...

I think I heard "It's true. she loves them naggers" out of one part.