Tuesday, September 23, 2008


If you forgot about the Lewd Acts show last night, don't worry because it didn't happen. Just before they were about to play, a huge group of Salt Lake City's Finest* showed up and wrote Red Light Books a ticket because they aren't allowed to have an "assembly" in the basement of the store. Then they walked around taking pictures of the store itself, trying to find zoning and building code violations to add on top.

The Salt Lake City Police Department, much like the Board of Health, must hate fun. One of the guys tried to dress hip though, wearing a Supersuckers t-shirt. I think it earned him a little bit of street cred for sure.


Dan Fletcher said...

But how many Salt Lake cops does it take to screw in a light bulb?

spenserprufrock said...

Fuck that joe in the Supersuckers tee, we should have seen that coming. Then the guy in the yellow Callaway golf hat, fuck, should have known.

xjoe jacksonx said...

"Fuck that joe" Is that slang for something, can't we just call things what they are, why do you always have to hip them up and try to smear my name?

Anonymous said...

(Dan)Zero. They wait for somebody else to do it, and then ticket them for having too much fun.

spenserprufrock said...

(xjoe) You are right, I apologize. I think I heard the guy in the Supersuckers t-shirt use "joe" that way and I assumed because of how badass his shirt was, that it was cool. Now I know he sucks...fuck, should have known.