Saturday, September 27, 2008


Yep. You all knew it was bound to happen, and here it is. There is a TV show in development about xCourage Crewx being prepped for the FX network. The best part is that it's being produced by people who really know a lot about it: Will Smith and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith.

It's being developed under the banner of Overbook Entertainment, which is Smith's production company. Jada's band Wicked Wisdom played Ozzfest a few years back and a lot of the road crew that worked for her were Courage Crew guys, so she must have learned a lot.

It's still untitled, but have no fear because I'm sure whatever they decide on, this show will be amazing.

Man I hope Will Smith has a song in the works for this.


Clinton Sawicz said...

i can't even think of how this show is going to work... what could be a possible story line? very very strange, well, atleast i hope all the crew dudes get paid well...

Anonymous said...

I'm a big Will Smith fan. Not sure about this though. This is a REALLY bad and VERY early April Fools joke, right?

seriously this CANNOT be good.

Anonymous said...


im not trying to be a downer. but i honestly cannot stop thinking about this. i am actually kinda scared, i dont want a t.v. show about xcourage crewx or any other straight edge "crew".

can anyone please tell me how this is a good thing?

@joshuarathbun said...

All nationwide crews are sucktastic and I'm sure this show will be very terrible.

Clint said...

hey everyone come see how good i look.