Monday, September 29, 2008


This is a bit old, but entertaining none the less:

The 1980s-era movement started by young fans of punk and hardcore music was unapologetically clear-headed: no alcohol, no smoking, no drugs. Now that lifestyle -- known as "straight edge" -- is making a comeback.

Inspired by a song of the same name, the movement developed a reputation for intolerance in the 1990s when a few straight-edgers turned militant, starting fights with anyone who challenged their views. Two were convicted in a 1998 killing in Salt Lake City.

These days, a small but growing core of young people who live the straight-edge life, also known by the abbreviation "sXe," are trying to reclaim a more positive image by promoting a range of causes, from pacifism and environmentalism to racial diversity.

Catch the rest here.

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