Monday, September 29, 2008


from the internet :
ok here we go: earth crisis played middlesex, NJ in 96 and funny stuff happened.

i’ll break it down so you can skip to the good parts.
1st they play forged in flames and nothing happens.
then they play inherit the wasteland and around 2:30 is when beer cans and yogurt get thrown on stage…cant really see much though and they keep playing the song.
around 4:40 karl gives a little speech and then they play forced march.

at right around the 6 min mark is when someone jumps on stage in a fur coat and all hell breaks loose. sadly…the fur coat is not caught on film but the aftermath is.
then they eventually play the song. (with guitars cutting out due to someone unplugging stuff under the stage)


Clinton Sawicz said...

god, everyone in new jersey just has the best sense of humor...

Clinton Sawicz said...

those shows there were so fucking awesome... sigh

Anonymous said...

you should move back

Clinton Sawicz said...

you should try and make me.

Anonymous said...


Clinton should most definitely not move back. I'll miss so many good jokes.

Troy Till Death said...

"clinton said...
you should try and make me."

oh, sorry cool guy, didn't know you were so sensitive.

Clinton Sawicz said...

jokes and jokes and jokes and jokes...