Thursday, December 18, 2008

Minor Threat - 50 // Slapshot - 48

Interesting. Why did you vote the way you did? Discuss...


Jesus Presly said...

I'm not voting till you put The Doughnuts in the running damn it ta hell! FEEL ME BLEED MOTHER FUCKERS!

xjaromyx said...

slapshot. just sounds more pissed off I guess?

xbrooklynx said...

Although slapshot was the first hardcore band i ever heard. I voted for minor threat just because they are more classic to me... Sorta embody the straight edge punk rock mantra...

Anonymous said...

Well when you listen to nofx in 7th grade you have to check out minor threat.

And the only person that likes the Doughnuts doesn't go by the name Jesus.

Anonymous said...

as much as i love minor threat i voted for slapshot. when i voted i thought we were voting for the band that has had more impact on salt lake (if that's even possible since both of them did). but oh well. anyway...

slapshot to me always sounded more angry, militant, pissed, meaner, louder, and you know...awesome. and minor threat sounded more "chill" (which i still love). but when i listen to old salt lake bands and even current salt lake bands i feel a sense of anger in the music. which to me has always been salt lakes "thing", you know pissed off brutal music. like tamerlane, lifeless, reflects first three songs, cherem, shutout, skieff d' bargg, gloves off, clear, and of course allot more. and whether or not those bands disagree with me or not that's what i got out of it.

plus slapshot is still currently playing shows and they still have that angry sound and still look like some pissed off dudes with a message. and if you can honestly say that when you listen to back on the map and firewalker and you don't want to kick a whole through your door, your a liar.

@joshuarathbun said...

Troy and me had the Minor Threat discography on repeat for like an entire summer. We never turned that shit off. I still think Minor Threat is better and probably still listen to it more.

Anonymous said...

Overall I listen to minor threat 10 times more than slapshot. Nothing elaborate from me.

richard said...

i voted for slapshot because i don't like minor threat. haha

T said...

i like slapshot better

Nathan said...

Minor Threat: i like em so much that i got a black sheep tatty.

MikEdge said...

Ha ha fuck you Richard.