Friday, December 19, 2008


VOTE >>>

(And we know there are a million other bands that deserve to be on this list, but for simplicity sake we had to narrow it down. Sorry all you Save Ferris fans.)


sias said...

hey, fuck kingdom.

Dan Fletcher said...

Sias, quit commenting and start posting.

Anonymous said...

yeah and fuck girls who don't shave their armpits.

Idaho Dan said...

why the fuck would anyone want to hear a girl sing in a harcore band?

Clinton Sawicz said...


Anonymous said...

That is why I love you idaho dan<3

@joshuarathbun said...

Either 13 or Damad have the best female vocalist. Every other female singer is the reason that people don't respect female singers.

sias said...

Quit yelling at me Dan, I've been busy trying to wash the anarchist smell off of me that I apparently have contracted. I'll get back on it.

spenserprufrock said...

Fuck yes, Damad should be up there. I guess no one likes Look Back and Laugh, though.

xjaromyx said...

I can get into undyings last cd pretty well, but its probably the music in general more than the vocals.

@joshuarathbun said...

I don't think I know Look Back And Laugh.

Dan Fletcher said...

I thought to add Look Back and Laugh but figured it'd be unknown to most.

xbrooklynx said...

I cannot support any of these candidates.

Trevor said...

I voted for L7.