Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Via Twitter: "Band quit! Fuck them! They are boring rich kids who can't play for ahit anyways ... Say hello to your ugly and boring wifes opps I mean lifes guys suck it."

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume this dude's nickname was clinically designated.

[GCA Note: He really spells Retard, 'Reatard,' and he really wrote 'ahit' when he meant to write 'shit' and 'opps' when he meant to write 'oops.' He also does not grasp the importance of grammar or punctuation. These are not GCA typos. Wifes?]


xbrooklynx said...

Am i the only person that doesnt know who this guy is or what band he is a part of?

Trevor said...

Nope. Right there with you.

Angry James said...

I'm clueless...is he important?

spenserprufrock said...

He played in a garage-punk band called, The Reatards. He is kind of a prick and there is a veritable ocean of videos documenting his antics (like punching a fan in the face for coming on stage during a performance). Is he worth looking up on YouTube? Maybe. Is he worth caring about? Probably not.