Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Give it a listen and give them a hard time for playing a show at the Avalon.

If you hadn't heard, that place is run by crooks and snitches who've made it extremely clear that the recent success of hardcore bands is nothing more than a dollar sign in their eyes.


Clinton Sawicz said...

everyone knows you'll never make money playing to real hardcore kids... Some bands just don't care about standing for something real... good luck guys, enjoy all the 14 year old flat brim hat kids and the 13 year old girls...

xKAMRONx said...

What he said.. Stole my words. =/

Chaz said...

im actually in this band.
i know the Kollective is a fuck over and that the avalon is a kollective venue, but when this band started playing shows, was when the REAL hardcore scene stated crashing(thats why we've played at the avolon a couple times in the past, with it being one of 2 venues that allowed hardcore music), we were unable to be a part of salt lakes hardcore scene, now that its back i've made it to most recent shows and we have our first GC show coming up in oct.

But as for the avalon show goes, we cancelled, and don't look to play there anymore.

Awesome James said...

You know we did house shows and shit right? You can play hardcore with out playing for shitty venues. Some of the best shows I've been to have been in houses

Chaz said...

No, i was unaware of the house shows. I just noticed alot of the bigger bands such as tamerlane, cherem, cool your jets, city to city, and such had stoped playing, and if they did so happen to play it was not to my knowledge.
I was aware of Reflect palying a couple ogden shows but i had noticed too late. I actually tried to get some Ogden shows, but they never went through.
I admit yes, dumb mistake. We will not be playing anymore avalon shows, we want to be a part of Grudge City and be a part of real hardcore. Everyone makes mistakes, there's ours.