Thursday, September 11, 2008



Anonymous said...

bring the gallows...ehh

xjoe jacksonx said...

Party at Thanksgiving Point with Big Brian & the rest of Xibalba either on that saturday or the following sunday, pending on what time they get here I will keep you posted

sias said...

wait, whats this about thanksgiving point?

Anonymous said...

bring the gallows.....

wah wah wah

Clinton Sawicz said...

i don't understand the shit talk on brind the gallows...? they canceled the avalon show and are in contact with the right people to start playing real shows... maybe you guys are just jealous they are playing shows and your guys are sitting around with your thumbs in each other's asses...

Anonymous said...

eh youre right.
im proud that they cancelled that show. i didnt know about that when i posted the comment.
my bad, didn't mean to sound like an ass.