Monday, March 16, 2009


Listening now. I don't care what anyone says, I'm digging it.


mikeXreflect said...

im guessing justin sent it to you too. im actually surprised they can still pull it off it isn't a bad record at all.

Trevor said...

It really isn't. After I finished it, I put on Breed the Killers to compare them, and this new one has so much more energy. It really is good.

Troy Till Death said...


you do realize that you are just comparing the new record to "breed the killers" right?
i mean, i trust you, but breed the killers was pretty bad too.

i'm still going to pick the record up, in hopes that there will be some songs on it that don't suck.
but the song i did hear about the methlabs or whatever, was pretty terrible....

one of the dudes was saying that song was a pretty good representative of the entire record, so my expectations are pretty low.... hopefully i'll be surprised.

mikeXreflect said...

honestly i think the lyrics are pretty weak but i think the music sounds pretty good.

Trevor said...

I should have clarified - Breed the Killers was where I lost interest in ExC. I thought that record lacked emotion, intensity—basically everything that made them good in the first place. I think it's the weakest of the bunch (because I don't really count Slither or their covers album) and the new version of Ecocide on that album was just bad. Why fix something that wasn't broken?

I compared the new one to Breed the Killers to determine whether they continued down the same path established with that record, or if they were able to capture the energy of the ones released before that.

That's why I mentioned Breed the Killers. Not to hold that as the gold standard of ExC records. I should have been more specific.

Jcub said...

i think that they are making a great comback, cant stop listening to the song, and cant wait for may!