Monday, March 30, 2009


Blabbermouth -- Fifteen years after Kurt Cobain's suicide on April 5, 1994 comes the authoritative story of grunge. "Grunge is Dead: The Oral History of Seattle Rock Music" (released April 1, 2009, via ECW Press) by Greg Prato is the definitive story of the Pacific Northwest music scene of the late '80s and early '90s. Never before has a book attempted to examine the scene as a whole. PEARL JAM bassist Jeff Ament says, "Finally, a book about the early years of our little scene in Seattle. I can't wait to hear all the different perspectives from the people that were actually there, not the so-called experts, who didn't show up until the '90s."

Some of the original interviews include:

* Eddie Vedder, PEARL JAM singer
* Jeff Ament, PEARL JAM/MOTHER LOVE BONE bassist
* Kim Thayil, SOUNDGARDEN guitarist
* Susan Silver, SOUNDGARDEN/ALICE IN CHAINS' manager, ex-wife of Chris Cornell)
* Duff McKagan, GUNS N' ROSES bassist
* Jerry Cantrell and Sean Kinney, ALICE IN CHAINS guitarist
* Nancy McCallum, mother of late ALICE IN CHAINS singer Layne Staley
* Mark Arm, MUDHONEY singer
* Chad Channing, NIRVANA drummer
* Charles Peterson, photographer
* Bruce Pavitt and Jonathan Poneman, founders Sub Pop Records


Idaho Dan said...

well we all know that i will be purchasing this book.

Trevor said...


...but they're all doing reunion shows.

From the new Rolling Stone:

What would be the downside of doing a tour with Soundgardgen?

Chris Cornell: I don't know if there would be one, really.

Translation: Coming as soon as he takes Trent Reznors criticism to heart and realizes his solo shit sucks.

And Nine Inch Nails and Jane's Addiction are touring this summer.

Anonymous said...

Green River & Mudhoney should tour.

joshlambert said...

its probably wont be as good as "loser"... that was a great book