Tuesday, March 24, 2009


The Salt Lake PD came down on New Song Underground with news that they can only host shows between 6 and 8 PM. For this reason, the April 8th Tamerlane/City to City show has been moved to Baxter's Cafe (1615 South State) and the Collapse/City to City release show has been canceled.
In related news, the Collapse/City to City split has been pushed back so that show wouldn't have made any sense anyway.

More news as developments roll in...


Jake Miller said...

See?? All you motherfucks that voted for an alcoholic cop to win the fictional character poll supported this situation everybody knows you NEVER support the cops... Good job, retards.

steven said...

LoL!!! i couldn't agree with you more Jake Miller some of these guys are so stupid like shonxmurdock and his bff spencerprufrock. Thats why i voted for Paul Kersey from deathwish.