Tuesday, October 6, 2009


When I did my interview with Taylor for the SLCHC: Lifeless 101 there were a lot of little gems that I just couldn't fit in the story, but I didn't want them to go to waste.

So, for your reading pleasure over the next few days, I'll be posting his expanded answers and little side stories, because some of them are just too good not to hear.

"We started practicing in Dustin’s parent's basement and we couldn’t decide on a name so we decided that each of us would open a dictionary and just plop our finger down. We said that no matter what we would choose one of the words that we landed on. The only two words I remember were Sludge Door (which I liked more than Lifeless at the time) and Lifeless. I am glad we picked Lifeless."

What do you think? Would Lifeless have had the same effect if they went through the 90s as Sludge Door?

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