The band recently pulled out of a radio station concert sponsored by the US Army's Recruitment Department. Florida radio stations lashed out against the band following the announcement.
"We were surprised that a radio station claiming to be familiar with Rise Against thought we would be ok with the idea that we would play a show and subject our fans to military recruitment tactics in a time of war, a war we adamantly and publicly have opposed since its bumbled inception," the band said in a statement, which can be read in full on their website.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
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In a time when money blurs the lines of conviction, I gotta say hats off to these dudes.
thats pretty bad ass. I will enjoy listening to them even more now..
wait what? a band sticking to the same shit they preach about? hmm thats weird.
I hope they play at Avalon or V2 so i can go see them.
yeah, even though the v2 is not a part of the kollective, its still shitty. 5 bucks for re-entry, tickets are more expensive than they should be, cops are always there (may not be a big deal to some people, but it bugs me), its in layton, and the security is stupid.
When will we learn that there can be more than one bad guy per movie. More than one villain per fairy tale.
I would like for one person to tell me why we actually hate the Kollective... Then I will explain why i hate V2, Club Vegas, and all the worthless booking companys, venues, club promoters, tour agents, bands, basically everything that makes me hate music as a whole.
Really the rest world can have their shitty "scene". I will just continue only going to see DIY bands at DIY venues.
I agree with you guys about the bigger shows at V2. I guess I saw what they were booking and got psyched that someone was doing those shows in Utah.
On further investigation, these guys look no better than any other big time promoter.
I think its worth mentioning that few other shows people were stoked on i.e. stike anywhere, youth brigade, and pelican, were booked by a certain former owner of the kollective
Thanks Josh.
I don't know if they let you listen to records 'in the field' but don't leave those behind.
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